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National Children’s Campaign



National Children’s Campaign is a national, nonpartisan, nonprofit organization to serve as a catalyst to inspire, encourage and empower to make America’s children & youth a national priority by promoting health, education, safety, economic & environmental security through the power of strategic media and internet partnerships, experts, business and community leaders, celebrity spokespeople and grassroots effort. We do not endorse candidates or lobby.


Shannon Watts


Child abuse crosses all socioeconomic and educational levels, religions, ethnic and cultural groups.

Child Abuse and Neglect happens every 47 seconds in America.

The average length of stay for a child in foster care is 19 months.

Child abuse reports involved 7.5 million children.

142,301 children received foster care services.

Annual estimate: 1,720 children died from abuse and neglect in 2017.

Almost five children die every day from child abuse.

Seventy-two (71.8%) percent of all child fatalities were younger than 3 years old.

Child abuse crosses all socioeconomic and educational levels, religions, ethnic and cultural groups.

Addressing today’s youth.


Youth taking the lead.

Child Abuse & Neglect

In America, we have 7.5 million reports of child abuse a year. Child abuse crosses all socioeconomic and educational levels, religions, ethnic and cultural groups and happens every 47 seconds.



Check out S4CA:

Schools for Climate Action: Declaring climate change an urgent issue that is harming kids.

At the Schools for Climate Action Advocacy Summit


Youth seeing the government first hand.

At the Sun Valley Forum


The leaders of tomorrow.

Voting for a better future



Environmental Security

The National Children’s Campaign is a nonpartisan organization that advocates for policies that improve the environment. We work to protect all children from across the country from environmental hazards. Children from low-income communities and communities of color often have greater exposures of pollutions, higher contaminants and more illnesses such as asthma directly due to poverty or structural racism. We work with elected officials, educators, business leaders and other organizations who are willing to join us in our fight for a healthy environment and combat climate change.

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In the United States 95 percent of children have access to health insurance coverage through employer-based insurance and government-run programs like Medicaid, the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), and the Affordable Care (ACA). However, the amount of health coverage varies by state. We need our political leaders to commit to investing more resources to ensure every child is covered care and focus on creating a more efficient and effective coordinated care model.


Vote 4 Kids




The National Children’s Campaign believes that every child should have an opportunity to a public education system where children can reach their full potential regardless of race, social-economic status or disabilities. This means that all of America’s children have access to high-quality schools and teachers. All children should be assured freedom from discrimination and assured full-bodied enforcement of our nation’s education law and civil rights.

Children who are in foster care, homeless or returning from juvenile detentions must also be given additional attention with regards to their educational needs. We work with policymakers to push for early, high-quality childhood education regardless of race, gender or family outcome that builds a strong foundation for their lives.

Youth Panel

Child Welfare

Abuse and neglect take a long-term physical and emotional toll on affected children, their families, and the communities in which they live. The National Children’s Campaigns believe all children deserve a great childhood. We work to inform policymakers to create and advance the best chances for kids to grow up in a safe, secure and nurturing home and shape their chances for a successful adult life.



Gun Safety

Since the 1999 Columbine High School shooting, hundreds of thousands of children have been injured or killed by guns. These tragic events are catastrophic for victims, traumatizing for loved ones, and devastating for entire communities. These shootings are incredibly preventable, yet for years the solution has been “thoughts and prayers.” We work to demand elected officials protect children not guns by advocating for common-sense gun safety and gun violence prevention measures.




Economic Security

The harm of childhood poverty can last a lifetime. Childhood poverty puts children at risk for intergenerational cycle of poverty due to the risk of homelessness, hunger and jeopardizing education and health. We need to create the political will to address and create initiatives and policies to address, reduce and ultimately eradicate childhood poverty.


Child Immigration

Nearly one-quarter of all children in the United States are children of immigrant families. It is critical to the prosperity of our nation that the well-being and health of these children are of utmost importance. Immigrant children are more likely to live in low-income families, experience food insecurity and lack healthcare insurance especially those who have at least one parent that is unauthorized.

Additionally, programs and policies that often safeguard vulnerable children create obstacles to immigrant children. Issues of cultural competency, immigration status, and immigration enforcement measures threaten to undermine the safety and well-being of immigrant children.


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LGBTQ+ Rights

LGBTQ+ youth face a unique set of challenges that their non-LGBTQ+ peers simply do not have to deal with. In addition to discrimination stemming from their LGBTQ+ identities, LGBTQ+ youth of color may also encounter racism and discrimination that can further complicate their ability to express and explore their identities. In recent years, LGBTQ+ Americans have made great progress toward equality and inclusion in public opinion and under the law. However, LGBTQ+ people are still are a long way from being fully equal.



Organizing for better future.

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About Us

Our Team:

Kimberly Gutzler

Kimberly Gutzler has a passion for working on behalf of America’s children and youth. She has devoted her life to uplifting and being a voice for those often unrepresented and voiceless… America’s youngest citizens. She has spent her career working for nonprofits and in government relations. Early on, with both academic and research credentials in child development, she gained firsthand experience with the confluence of practice and policy while working with children living in group homes in the custody of the state.


John Norton

John Norton has worked in public relations mostly with a focus on non-profit legislative and regulatory advocacy communications. Being the son of Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton, John has always been involved in politics and is passionate about progressive issues. In fact, his initial foray in public relations was from 2002 to 2003 where he worked in the press shop at the Democratic National Committee. Prior to the 2004 Presidential Election, John worked with Kimberly Gutzler for the first time on a bus tour called Kids for a Stronger.

Devin Del Palacio

Devin Del Palacio is a member of the Governing Board of the Tolleson Union High School District, covering the cities of Tolleson, Avondale, and Phoenix, Arizona. Devin was raised by a single mother, and due to financial situations, attended 8 different public schools while growing up. He was taught the value of hard work from a young age and raised to take positive action in his community. Seeking the opportunity to give back, Devin became a Community Organizer in 2012, working for the next few years to empower and register 34,000 minority voters in South and West Phoenix.


Natalie Mebane

Natalie Mebane is the Policy Director at Sierra Club (National) and serves as an Adult Mentor and on the Board of Zero Hour & Power Shift. Natalie received training in grassroots organizing and political advocacy from Wellstone Action. As a grassroots organizer, she developed, led and implemented campaigns with communities, to work with the local, state and federal government on coal-fired power plants, climate legislation, and clean energy. Then Natalie decided to leverage her grassroots organizing skills to influence national lawmakers by becoming a lobbyist.


Today, she works to influence our federal government to phase out fossil fuels and transition to an economy run by 100 percent clean and renewable energy. She works with youth across the country to build a powerful and inclusive movement of activists leading the way to a just and sustainable future.


Executive Youth Director

Jonah Gottlieb

Jonah Gottlieb, a 17-year old from Petaluma, California, is a rising senior at Credo High School. He has worked with Congressman Mike Thompson (Chairman of the House Gun Violence Prevention Task Force), March For Our Lives, and the Brady Campaign to create a gun violence-free country for all students and Americans. As a captain for One Planet Living, Jonah works to create a world in which it is easy, attractive and affordable for all to enjoy happy, healthy lives within the natural limits of our planet. Jonah is the Co-Founder and President of Global Awareness, an organization aimed at increasing youth political involvement and educating the next generation of American voters. He is the treasurer of his school’s student council and the Digital Media Intern for Rep. Thompson.


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Contact Us

(202) 476-9141
