Gary Germany

Gary Germany is an American singer, songwriter, musician, and composer, who was born and raised in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. At an early age, he began singing and imitating the likes of James Brown, Michael Jackson, Stevie Wonder, Andrae Crouch, and Edwin Hawkins.


At the age of 13, Gary found God and gave himself over to his Christian faith, a very defining point in his life. He vividly recalls sitting in church and being inspired by an inner voice encouraging him to take his opportunity and jump on the organ, that, “he had a gift to share,” and as the regular church organist had gotten up momentarily, his destiny was now!



Gary had never played keyboards before that point, and at that moment his anxiety overcame him and froze him in place long enough for the organ player to return to her post. Gary, a serious and sincere young man, thought that perhaps he had squandered his chance to express his gift.


A week had passed, and in that time Gary made a resolution that if the opportunity presented itself again, he would not miss the good fortune to play that organ. The opportunity did arise again that week, and he did not hesitate this time. When the church organist left her seat for a moment, Gary sat down at the organ for the first time in his life, not knowing a thing about the instrument. It was an exhilarating and transformative experience, but Gary found out that the gift he had inside would need much training, practice, learning, and focus, for him to utilize his talents to the fullest. Around this time, at the ripe young age of 14, Gary accepted his calling to become a minister.


Soon after his organ debut, Gary encouraged by his mother, placed an ad in the local paper saying “young minister in need of a piano, unable to pay.”

“The add was published on Thursday; I got a response that Friday and the materialization of a piano in my own home took place that Saturday.”- Gary Germany

Gary now had regular access to the instrument he was so eager to learn, and though throughout high school development of his voice was a primary focus, the piano was always there, and Gary was always learning.

“The main message, and goal I have with my music is to inspire and uplift.”- Gary Germany

Gary spent the rest of his high school years attending a school for the arts in Pittsburgh called “Centers for the Musically Talented.” Gary’s primary musical study and development at the time was classical voice training and opera. He learned to sing in Italian as well, and though there was certain music he had loved and gravitated towards, he did wrestle with what music he should be influenced by for his spiritual development. Gary listened to less of his initial influences but always did gravitate back to them as well.

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Gary ended up attending Duquesne University as a vocal major and a piano minor, staying three semesters. For various reasons, including Gary’s hunger to learn in the most hands-on way possible, he left Duquesne and pursued a job going door to door around the country, selling books and magazines. Gary was encouraged by one of his employers that he should use his gift of singing as an icebreaker on his sales trips. The advice was well received, and that is exactly what Gary did. He learned he could make a remarkable first impression by utilizing his voice. He was able to put himself and his potential customers at ease, and this also boosted his confidence in musical performance. Gary had profound realizations as well regarding the power of music as a means of communication.


After working outside of Pennsylvania for some time, Gary moved back to Pittsburgh and decided he wanted more for himself musically; he had something to say and share. He joined a band playing pop and rock music, a cover band called Prism but later changed its name to Taken Over. This was his next music school, where he expanded his vocal skills, and his musicianship grew leaps and bounds. He embraced some of his earlier influences and gravitational pulls musically and furthered his knowledge of his instrument as well. He learned much about recording, programming instruments, arranging and composing. He would remain in the band for a year and a half.


Gary began making demos and pursued a solo career in music which would take him out west to Phoenix, Arizona where he landed a record deal with a local record company. The sessions were recorded but ended up never being released.

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Gary kept pursuing his goals and found himself sitting at Motown Records in Los Angeles, California, presenting his demos there. He had no appointment scheduled but bravely walked into the building to present his work. Though Motown thought his material was not quite up to their standards with regard to sound quality, Gary was encouraged by the experience and did get some valuable feedback and good response to his songs.


Back in Pittsburgh, Gary pursued ministerial work, continued composing and recording, and in 1995 he was ordained through GMMI Gospel Connection Outreach by Reverend, Dr.Bobby J. Fulton. Gary served as Vice President of Gospel Music Ministries, International Arts Fellowship.

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in 1996, Gary was hired by the State of Pennsylvania’s Department of Welfare/Department of Corrections as a “youth development aid.” Gary worked in this capacity for ten years. In 2006, he worked as a counselor at the Leesburg Youth Detention Center. During his tenure with the State of Pa, Gary utilized His gifts and created musical programs promoting Self-esteem for his clients and also volunteering with the Chapel Services. He received many awards one being 1999 Employee of the Year


In 2010, Gary went to focus solely on his work in the church, literally, as “Operations Manager” assisting in pastoral duties with youth and adults at the Church he and his brother opened, “Jesus Dwelling Place” in North Braddock. His younger brother Glenn Germany is the Senior Pastor. Gary is also the church pianist and musical director. Gary continues to write and release original music, more of which is set to be released quite soon.


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