In case you don’t know, there is a Republican mayoral option, and his name is Tony Moreno, a retired Pittsburgh police detective. He’s not the big budget candidate, and doesn’t come from a long line of blue blood money, but his message is strong and his ideas to fix the many problems facing today’s Pittsburgh are solid.
I decided to do an email interview with Mr. Moreno to help introduce him to the general public. This was a fairly soft interview because the intent is just that, to introduce the opposition to the current mayor and his administration.
Anyone who’s had the pleasure of meeting Tony could quickly see that he’s a larger than life character with a genuinely kind heart. As a long time police officer he’s seen the good, bad and the ugly our city has to offer, and now that he’s retired and with his wife Patty by his side, he’s taken on his next challenge… to unite our city and help uplift the many struggling neighborhoods left behind by current Mayor Peduto.
I emailed Mayoral candidate Tony Moreno 5 questions, and here was his response:
Q) Tell us a little about your background, both career and lifestyle. Were you born in Pittsburgh, or did you move here… and if so… how did you end up in this city?
A) I was born in Stanton, California and raised in Whittier (near L A). I joined the Army when I was 17 and after several years I met my first wife and got married. After my time in the military, she wouldn’t move back to California with me and she was from Youngstown, OH where we moved to. I applied to the Pittsburgh Police department and got hired which is what brought me here.
(I attached my bio for more detailed info on me)
Q) *How would you describe your political views/stance?
A) I have always been a union member in my adult life like my father, I am union first and I believe every voice matters. I believe in freedom and I do not judge how people live their lives. We are a country of laws and the constitution is our guide. I have live a-politicly because politics have no place in Law enforcement.
Q) Did you always have political ambitions? If not… what made you decide to run for mayor of Pittsburgh?
A) I have always followed politics being in the local government as an employee and having been in the United States Military we fight for all rights to include the right to vote. However, I never had any aspirations to be a politician. I had planned to retire and move to Florida but the state of affairs in the City of Pittsburgh under Bill Peduto and these career politicians is unacceptable and abusive. I cannot leave it the way it is now without trying to make it better.
Q) What do you think is the biggest problem facing our city, today?
A) Race. The racial divide, the opportunities for the minority population in Pittsburgh are structurally different than the opportunities for everyone else. These problems are generational and have spurred systemic racism. These issues aren’t racism in the way of burning crosses and donning white sheets. It is a political corruption in controlling communities for the politicians desired outcome. Shutting out minorities and preventing these citizens from reaching their full potential in our city is an abhorrent travesty.
This has led to the destruction of harmony throughout our neighborhoods causing a never-ending strife. These problems can be positively addressed with a commitment to true equity in opportunity and a dedication to the human condition. We all want the same thing. Financial freedom, mobility and ownership. These things bring families together, reduce crime and create positive growth and cohesion in our neighborhoods.