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The Power of One


Aleph – A Meaning of Oneness


Another name for our Creator is Ein Sof, literally the “Without End”. Ein Sof is related to the word, Ayin, which begins with an Aleph and means “nothing”. Aryeh Kaplan explains that one connotation of the term Ein Sof is “the Ultimate Nothingness”. Whatever creation springs from this Ultimate Nothingness is itself ultimately nothing. The essence of Aleph and our lives is therefore nothingness. We can see this when, for example, we examine the nature of our minds. We can’t hold onto the past mind, we can’t hold onto the future mind, and even the present is fleeting and elusive. Our minds, like the Ein Sof and like Aleph, are impossible to grasp, simultaneously empty and full.


The Paradox of Ultimate Nothingness is that because it is so vast and all-encompassing, with no beginning and no end, it is also Ultimate Oneness.

Ultimate Oneness, Ultimate Nothingness – Aleph embodies it All.

From : Mystical Teachings of the Hebrew Letters. Richard Seidman. Thomas Dunne Books. St. Martin’s Press. New York.(2001)

And from:


“To transcend motion and stillness is the highest meditation… People who reach such understanding free themselves from all appearances without effort and cure all illnesses without treatment.”

–Bodhidharma, Grand Patriarch of Zen

What does the Biblical Concept known as “Yesh Me Ayin”, i.e creating “Something from Nothing” as the universe is always being created, actually mean?

G-d spoke and the World came into Being. Before Speaking is the Thought. The Creator is constantly Creating the World every moment, “Something from Nothing”, and it also occurs within each of Us. We are Co-Crreators with our Higher Power, our Higher Self, the True Identity and Source of Everyone and Everything. Every moment we are creating our Lives, State of Mind, and Direction from our Thoughts, our Thinking. We must Learn to be in control of our Thoughts, our Inner and Deepest Intentions. We play an active part with our Creator and help shape our Lives and Destiny with it. That is why prayer is so important and yes, effective.

My personal insight and opinion from my understanding is that “Something from Nothing”, is as I said also always occurring within each of Us.

So what is my point? What am i getting to?

What is the Yesh. the “Something”? In relation to us on our human level and consciousness, the “Yesh” is the Thought (Our Thoughts, one thought at a time).

“The Ayin”, the “Nothing” (or as it is known the “Nothingness”? –  is the emptiness between the thought, between your individual thoughts as they come to your mind). Creation arises out of this Emptiness.

Healing happens in that Emptiness (in that Space)

Tap Into the “Ayin”, the “Nothingness”. Nothingness is connected to the Highest World in Creation called “Atzilut”, according to Judaism. In this Place everything is One, and there is not a linear line between Past. Present and the Future. It is all connected here. Miracles happen here when you connect to this Space and Place. Prophets saw the past and future from being in this state.

To Quiet the mind and reach that place brings One Healing

All my blessings in whatever form brings the greatest Peace, Healing and Measure



Joel Pirchesky MPPM


Founder and CEO of One World Blue Corporation


Social and Planetary Healing

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